
The South Padre Island Marathon is just weeks away! You have been training your heart out, and our team is so excited to see everyone accomplish their goals from start to finish.

By running this inaugural race, you are becoming a part of history. We want you feel your best and confident as ever before.

We are sharing 26 quick tips from to get you ready to #RunSPI.

Here’s a quick glance of how to prepare yourself!

1. Look down.
2. Do a half-marathon.
3. Add speed to your longest long run.
4. Mimic the course.
5. Drink on the run.
6. Dress the part.
7. Don’t get greedy.
8. Taper.
9. Run a dress rehearsal.
10. Run like a clock.
11. Set two goals.
12. See success.
13. Chill out.
14. Carbo-load, don’t fat-load.
15. Go with what you know.
16. Eat breakfast.
17. Warm up. But just a little.
18. Collect yourself.
19. Line up loose.
20. Start slow.
21. Relax.
22. Think laps, not miles.
23. Play games.
24. Drink early, drink often. Take sports drink at the first aid station and every one after.
25. Go hard late. No matter how much you’re raring to go, keep things under control until well past the halfway mark.
26. Talk to yourself.

Click here to read the full details on each tips!

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