
It’s 2015, time to forget about the things you didn’t accomplish in 2014 and focus on a new beginning, a chance to live a better story this year. I don’t believe in resolutions (too many years of failure) but I do believe in goals. I believe in making goals that are big and inspiring. Goals that stretch you to achieve more than you have thought possible.

runspi_ny_resolutionThis is why we are producing the 2015 South Padre Marathon, it’s a big goal that inspires us, stretches us, and frankly even scares us a little. However, we think it is also an opportunity to inspire, stretch and even scare thousands of you as well. Satisfaction, self-confidence and happiness come from accomplishing these types of goals, not from watching others from your couch.

Completing a half marathon or marathon is not about running 13.1 or 26.2 miles, it’s about who you become in the process of covering the distance. It does not matter if you walk, jog or run, what matters is that you push yourself beyond your perceived boundaries.

Get uncomfortable, be a little scared, and commit to something beyond your current abilities. You will reap the satisfaction, self-confidence and happiness that comes with accomplishing a big goal, and in the process you will become an inspiration to your friends, family and community.

Forget the resolutions, make a goal to live a little scared. Live a better story.

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